Traveling on the Bus
Are pets allowed?
While pets are not allowed to travel, the only animals permitted on all routes, are trained service animals that allow customers with disabilities to perform necessary activities. Service animals must be properly harnessed and under the direct ...
How old does my child have to be in order to travel alone?
To ensure the safety of our young passengers, Coach USA has the following policy regarding unaccompanied minors riding the bus: • Children 12 and under MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian. • Children 13-16 will be allowed to ride ...
How early should I arrive at the bus?
Ten minutes ahead of the departure time is usually sufficient, except during peak travel times when additional time is necessary to load.
Is smoking or drinking allowed aboard your vehicles?
For the health and safety of our passengers and drivers, smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes is not allowed on any of our vehicles. The consumption of alcohol is also prohibited.